

Kardex Group卡迪斯智能倉儲


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Kardex Group是全球領(lǐng)先的自動(dòng)化倉儲和檢索系統供應商之一,為全球各行業(yè)的合作夥伴提供內部物流解決方案。該集團由Kardex RemstarKardex Mlog兩個(gè)分支組成。Kardex Remstar研發(fā)、製造和維護動(dòng)態(tài)倉儲和檢索系統,Kardex Mlog提供集成的物料處理系統和自動(dòng)化高層貨架倉庫。這兩個(gè)分支為客戶(hù)提供產(chǎn)品或解決方案的整個(gè)生命週期管理服務(wù)。從評估客戶(hù)需求到對客戶(hù)定制系統的規劃、安裝和維護,服務(wù)貫穿整個(gè)生命週期。這確保了產(chǎn)品的高度可用性以及整體的低成本。Kardex Group擁有約1650名員工,遍及30多個(gè)國家。Kardex Group1987年在瑞士證券交易所上市。
The Kardex Group is a global industry partner for intra-logistic solutions and a leading supplier of automated storage solutions and material handling systems. The Group consists of two entrepreneurially managed divisions, Kardex Remstar and Kardex Mlog. Kardex Remstar develops, produces and maintains dynamic storage and retrieval systems and Kardex Mlog offers integrated materials handling systems and automated high-bay warehouses. The two divisions are partners for their customers over the entire life cycle of a product or solution. This begins with the assessment of customer requirements and continues through planning, realization and maintenance of customer-specific systems. It ensures a high level of availability combined with low total cost of ownership and operation. Around 1 650 employees in over 30 countries work for the Kardex Group. Kardex AG is listed on the Swiss SIX Stock Exchange since 1987.